Wismut Gera Team Logo

Wismut Gera

Coach: Unknown / Venue: Dimotiko Gipedo Farsala
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Wismut Gera Statistics

Team have not played any matches in this season

Wismut Gera Matches Statistics

8 Draws

In the TBD season, Wismut Gera won 9 games (4 at home and 5 away). They lost 13 matches (7 at home and 6 away) and 8 matches ended in draws (4 at home and 4 away).

Wismut Gera Goals Statistics

Wismut Gera Goals Distribution

No lineups data

Wismut Gera Season Statistics

Ball Possesion Icon
Ball Possesion2.05%
Attacks Icon
Offsides Icon
Shots ON target Icon
Shots ON target16
Shots OFF target Icon
Shots OFF target17
Corners Icon
Yellow cards Icon
Yellow cards12
Red cards Icon
Red cards2
Avg. Player Rating Icon
Avg. Player Rating0