Boston River - Cerro

Boston River Team Logo
Cerro Team Logo
19 May 2024 20:00
Venue: Estadio Campeones Olímpicos | City: Ciudad de Florida
Odds & Prediction
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Boston River vs Cerro Odds & Prediction
Boston River Team Logo
Boston River

Boston River is most likely the winner of this match, while a win for Cerro or a draw are unlikely to happen.

First team to score
Boston River Team Logo
Boston River

First team to score should be Boston River, with 55% chances.

First half outcome
XNo clear winner

At halftime, the most probable outcome should be a draw (51% chances).

Both team to score

We might have a chance that only one team will score goals in this match.

Correct score

The correct final score is the hardest to predict. We use different methods to calculate the most likely outcome(s). We strongly encourage you to use this prediction for informational purposes only.

ScoreAxis correct score prediction for this match:
  • 1:1 20%
  • 1:0 16.67%

Our predictions should not be used for betting or gambling on sports and accepts no responsibility or liability for any (direct or indirect) financial or other loss that may result from using our statistical data, predictions or any other content present on this website.

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Boston River vs Cerro Head to Head Matches

Boston River - Cerro Preview, Live Streaming and Prediction

In their previous matches, Boston River won 2 games (Miramar Misiones, Rampla Juniors) and lost 3 (with Progreso, Peñarol, Cerro Largo) while no games ended in draws. Boston River managed to score 5 goals and conceded 7 goals (5-7).

Boston River scored an average 1.33 goals per match in the current league season. In terms of discipline, the home team received 27 yellow cards and one red card, making 12.50 fouls (average) in every match they've played. Boston River's average team rating is 0 per match.

Boston River seems good at keeping the ball, having an average possession of 51.42% in this season

For more details, please look at Boston River live scores, fixtures and results

Cerro enters this match having won 1 matches of their last five (Danubio) lost 2 (with Nacional, Deportivo Maldonado) while 2 fixtures ended in draws against Fénix, Racing. The team scored 3 goals while conceding 7 goals (3-7).

In away games, Cerro scored an average of 1.18 goals per match and conceded 1.45. The team received 25 yellow cards and 3 red cards, while the total number of fouls committed is 105. Cerro's average team rating is 0 per match.

Ball possession is not so good for Cerro, with an average of 41.27% overall in this season.

For more details, please look at Cerro live scores, fixtures and results

Live stream and TV broadcast

Boston River vs Cerro live TV broadcast can be seen on 1xBet,, Chance,, Tipsport, Tipsport SK, Wplay, bet365, bet365.nj,

Boston River - Cerro video highlights will be posted after the match, featuring goals and notable match events from this fixture. We only show video highlights from official channels and you can safely embed all the videos found on