Where to watch Sokol Lanžhot matches
Sokol Lanžhot live TV broadcast can be seen on .
Sokol Lanžhot on TV
Sokol Lanžhot Statistics
Team have not played any matches in this season
Sokol Lanžhot Matches Statistics
0 Draws
In the TBD season, Sokol Lanžhot won 2 games (0 at home and 2 away). They lost 1 matches (1 at home and 0 away) and 0 matches ended in draws (0 at home and 0 away).
Sokol Lanžhot Goals Statistics
Sokol Lanžhot Goals Distribution
No lineups data
Sokol Lanžhot Season Statistics
Ball Possesion0
Shots ON target0
Shots OFF target0
Yellow cards0
Red cards0
Avg. Player Rating0