Where to watch Rudar Prijedor matches
Rudar Prijedor live TV broadcast can be seen on Arena Sport (Cro), Betclic.pl, 1xBet, 1xBet.kz, 1xStavka.ru, Arena Sport (BiH), bet365.
Rudar Prijedor on TV
Rudar Prijedor Statistics
Both Teams To Score Stats
Goals Stats
Goals Conceded
Corners Stats
Team Cards Stats
Team Shots / Offsides Stats
1st / 2nd Half
Rudar Prijedor Matches Statistics
In the 2021/2022 season, Rudar Prijedor won 5 games (3 at home and 2 away). They lost 17 matches (5 at home and 12 away) and 11 matches ended in draws (8 at home and 3 away).
Rudar Prijedor Goals Statistics
Rudar Prijedor Goals Distribution
Rudar Prijedor Season Statistics
About Rudar Prijedor
Rudar Prijedor plays in Bosnia and Herzegovina's Premier Liga 2021/2022. You can check Rudar Prijedor live scores on ScoreAxis, along with other information about the team: Rudar Prijedor top players, including top goal scorers or the full squad for the 2021/2022 season. The team is managed by Marko Tešić and their home ground is Gradski Stadion. Rudar Prijedor match schedule featuring upcoming or past fixtures is also available and you should be able to watch video highlights for most of the fixtures in the list.
When is the next fixture for Rudar Prijedor?
There is no fixtures in near future for this team
Rudar Prijedor Season Review 2021/2022
In the current season, Rudar Prijedor played a total of 33 matches in the Premier Liga 2021/2022, winning 5 and losing 17, while 11 matches ended in draws. The team scored 28 goals and conceded 48.
In terms of attacking, Rudar Prijedor players shot on goal 74 times, while 145 shots went off target. They also managed to get 95 corners and were caught in offside 0 times. The team received 69 yellow cards and 3 red cards this season from a total number of 0 committed fouls.