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Korea Republic

Korean Cup

Korean Cup 2024 Table

No standings avaliable

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Korean Cup Statistics (2024)

No stats avaliable

Scoring Minutes



No cards stats avaliable

Korean Cup Top Players


Korea Republic Korean Cup season 2024

There are 55 teams competing in Korea Republic's Korean Cup and 55 matches in this season, out of which 42 are already played as of April 23 2024.


Overall, 136 goals were scored (average 3.24 per match). The team which scored the most goals so far is Gyeongju HNP - 9 goals.


So far, the team with the most conceded goals is Jeonju Original (9 conceded goals) while TBD is the club with the best clean sheets record (TBD). TBD is the goalkeeper who gets the record for most clean sheets (TBD).


The number of yellow cards shown so far in Korean Cup is 0, which makes an average of 0 yellow cards per match. Red cards count is 1 (0.02 per match) while yellow-red cards were shown 0 times, an average of 0 per match.

All these statistics are updated after each round on Scoreaxis.com and you can also check Korean Cup live scores, updated each minute when matches are live.